Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Naomi Klien: Two Ways to Deal With Climate Change

On Monday 19th of May Naomi Klein launched the paperback version of The Shock Doctrine in the UK. Rather than a traditional book launch she opted to launch the book at a fundraiser for Hands Off Iraqi Oil.

A facinating talk was given with many topics covored ranging from why concervatives are happier than lefties and liberals to the importance of the concept of ecological debt, the leftward trends in south america and--in this clip--a discussion of the way in which corporations are adjusting to and drawing profits from the results of climate change.

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Climate Change Action

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At 11:49 AM, Blogger RobinLovelace said...

Amazing video posting. It took me a while to realize that many economic interests actually want the world's resources to get depleted. Those aware of the trend towards 'green zones and red zones' must act against it.

Climate camp will be a suitable venue to express these concerns, but they need to be incorporated into every aspect of everyday lives to become the mainstream.

At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


While the installations at the North Pole are about having us think globally, "Native Flags" is a participatory eco-art project that engages individuals across the globe to act locally.To participate in the project, please visit

At a time when melting polar sea ice is causing so many to focus on which political power will place its flag over the Arctic, controlling the Northwest Passage shipping lanes and the petroleum resources beneath the sea ice, Miami artist Xavier Cortada has developed a project that engages people across the world below to plant a green flag and native tree to help address global climate change. Reforestation helps prevent the polar regions from melting.

Cortada will plant a green flag the North Pole when he arrives there on June 30, 2008. On that same day folks from around the world will be asked to also plant a green flag and native tree in their community.
Miami artist Xavier Cortada created Native Flags as an urban reforestation project to help restore native habitats for plants and animals across South Florida. Launched last year at the Miami Science Museum, Native Flags now calls on individuals globally to join the effort.The conspicuous green flag serves as a catalyst for conversations with neighbors and a call to action to help rebuild our native tree canopy. Community leaders can model the behavior by planting a native tree and green flag at their science centers and city halls.

To learn about this please visit the artist's website at


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