Monday, July 25, 2005

Climate Campaign

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At 6:41 PM, Blogger Matt Prescott said...

Hello Calvin,

I am happy to link to you on Earth Info and wish you the best of luck with maintaining this worthwhile and informative weblog.

Best wishes

Matt Prescott

P.S. I have just read the UK's Carbon Abatement Technology Strategy and the Energy White Paper and recommend both if you haven't read them already. They both contain a great deal of interesting information and hint at the caveats and excuses which will be used over the next 20 years or so.

At 9:23 PM, Blogger Emma Beverage said...

Greetings Calvin,
I have only recently started blogging. I have been trying to see what other bloggers are up to. You have an ecellent site and I will come back to read more when I have time. I am trying to link up to other common citizens who are fed up with this rampant addiction to greed that is distroying our way of life and our earth. I am going to put a link to your site on my site. My site isn't anywhere near as professional as your site but if you like my site I would appreciate you putting a link to me on your site. My site is:
I appreciate your efforts to reach out and educate. Keep it up.
Blessed be,
Emma Beverage


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