Friday, July 22, 2005

Today's Contribution

As I mentioned this blog is going to be updated daily. What happened to today's contribution? I spent most of today updating the other half of the site and the rest of the time e-mailing companies and people about this blog. This is so I`m not spending all my time writing about a subject I care passionately about without anyone learning about climate change. As you can see I have already added a counter so I can tell if people are passing through and if I`m being successful at drumming up traffic. Tomorrow I will be adding to the actual content of the site by posting an article about gas flaring in Nigeria (links already present on climate change resources).


Climate Change Action

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At 1:56 AM, Blogger Metatree said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog! I posted links to both of your climate change blogs. Feel free to add my blog ( to your blog links. Thanks!


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