Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Climate Change Action: Update

Just to let you know what I have been up to in the last couple of days.

If you hadn't noticed I have been tweaking the look of the site, trying to make everything look respectable. I have also been adding some functionality.

You can now subscribe to this site by e-mail, recieve new articles as they are published.. This is an improvement on RSS/Atom as everyone knows how to subscribe by e-mail! I have also recently added a search facility for within this site, I have continued my search for more useful links, particularly media which is easier to absorb and more interesting than reading reports.

There are now several radio links on this site, along with links to mp3s and many climate change video from the two sister sites 'climate change resource' and 'climate change news'.

To recap, the main articles so far have been on:
1. Gas Flaring in Nigeria 2. Aviation and UK Climate Policy 3. Distributed energy systems. 4. The UK climate policy Review 5. Biomass, A green source of energy?

Climate Change Action

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