For my next trick...
My next post on 'Climate Change Action' will be on the efficency of biomass as an energy source: whole life cycle energy use and greenhouse gas emmission reductions, both direct use of biomass and use of biomass as a source of liquid fuel will be looked at.I update my other websites every day or two. Check out 'Climate Change Resources' for the documents used to compose the articles publisehd on this site, and check out 'Climate Change News' for daily updates on the world of climate change impacts and mitigation.
Main articles on this site:
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Main articles on this site:
- Gas flaring in nigeria: 2bn Cubic feet a day!
- Aviation and the UK climate policy: 'emmisions from aviation have the potentail to negate all emmisions reductions in other sectors'Environmental Audit Committee.
- The potential of distributed energy systems: harvesting the 60% of energy wasted by centralised energy generation, waste heat and transmission losses.
- The UK climate change policy review: overview of 200 consultations, tips for all countries.
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hello Calvin! I just found your blog and your nice comment about EcoTalk. This sunday the show is about oil (again). Thanks also for introducing me to ecoshock radio: it sounds very interesting. I wish we could agglomerate all the green radio shows. Any such shows in the UK?
Take care
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