Sunday, August 28, 2005

The search continues...

I`m still looking for info on the costs of renewables and various insulation options, I have got quite a bit of info now but still only half of what I want in total (including background) and half the price info I need for my article. This is taking a while! I`m going to be making a few phone calls tomorrow and contacting a few suppliers but if anyone has any info /experience on/with renewables I would appreciate it if they would e-mail me what they know.

It looks like I`m going to take longer than a week to post this article, for a few reasons, its tricky getting info and and I book I ordered is yet two arrive, as mentioned below I`m off to London on the 31st. It looks like it might be a couple of weeks between my last article and this one, but there will probably be a few decent updates on campaign issues when I get back from London. As always, climate change news is updated most days and climate change resources is full of interesting/useful info. I recommend the 'climate science' section from 'stabilization 2005' there are some really nice powerpoints, and it is cutting edge meteorology.

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At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello there...

I noticed you mentioned Stabilization 2005, I've been looking on the internet, but can not find much on it. Where could I access the information from the conference and the power point presentations?




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