Friday, August 05, 2005

The UK climate change program review.

I am currently reading through a summary of the replies to the governments climate change program review. This document can be found at:
(right click and 'save as')

This document summerises all the replies to the consultation currently being carried out. A number of these consultation replies are available individually but as there are 304 responses its not feasible to read them all. A few that may be of interest are:

The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
These guys are world experts in climate policy, nothing more to say!
(right click and save as)
The Carbon Trust
This organization works directly with industry so it gives very good info on the practicalities of various measures.
(right click and save as)
Well researched and holistic view on climate change mitigation 'outside the box' thinking as required for the severity of the issue.
(right click and save as)

I`m going to be writing a proper article on this subject in the next couple of days. The other serious articles I have written so far can all be found in the links at the side of the page, as can links to the numerous reports used on there composition, these articles where on: 1. Aviation and Climate Change 2. Gas Flaring in Nigeria 3. The Potential of Distributed Energy Systems (small scale wind, micro-chp, solar cells, district heating etc.)


Climate Change Action

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