Campaign against Climate Change (Aberdeen Group Update)
"Internationally these demonstartions are taking off, and they are currently taking off really quite quickly...In Italy the Lega Ambiente which is the largest environmental organisation in itally is organising it. They are not organising one demonstration, they have 1000 branches spread over italy, they are a very big organisation, and each of there 1000 branches are going to an action on Dec 3rd. They say it is an enormous organisation effort; but they are going to do it. "
"Canada, Germeny, Scotland, England,Turky, Romania, Greece, Ireland, Itally, USA and probably France...a week a go i knew we where going to have 3 demonstrations now we know there are going to be [at least]10!"
Jonathan Neale
Above Right: Mark Lynas, spoke on the progress made so far in the fight against climate change and in perticular in the fight against so called 'climate skeptics'. He vocied his opinion that real progress has been made and that media coverage of Climate Change in the UK has been gradually improving. No longer are industry funded goons given the same air-time and respect as the whole meterological community.
I am going to review the meeting in more detail for our next group meeting. A few of the important points raised where:
1. The need for a central resource/forum with mailing lists. More info here.
2. The importance of including as broad a spectrum of people as possible: Unions, Green Parties, Student Groups, All NGOs within Stop Climate Chaos coallition, Socialist Groups etc...
3. With regard to point 2. several people suggested the role of CCC cold be one of catalysing co-operation between these groups on a national level (CCC organisers responsibility) and regional level(the responsibility of all regional groups) .
4. Secondly with regard to point 2. it was suggested by several people that the CCC should encourage every group we work with to setup there own internal mailing list so they communicate the climate change policies of the organisation to there grass roots members.
5. Practical measures for publicising the campaign where suggested including leafleting, sponsored events, stalls, letter writing to MPs (the importance of apparently sperate letters was stresses), writing to news papers was also seen as a highly effective way of publicising the campaign.
6.Providing materials for schools/colleges (both teachers and students).
7.Highlighting govornment stated policy and actual policy measures along with how this could be improved.
8. Articles in student media magazines/radio stations.
9. Agenda of social justice of the unions fits in well with climate change mitigation measures including support for reduction in fuel poverty by improving housing, increasing skilled jobs in renewable energies, where the UK is at the forefront. CCC memebrs should be encouraged and supported to put forward motions on climate at union meetings.
10.Pubs could be cheap locations for meetings but may alienate muslims.
11. The inclusion of faith groups is very important, resources such as the Christian Ecology Link project noah should be distributed to local churches by regional groups.
12. Councils should be asked to sign the Nottingham agreement. If they are already signatories there policies can bee loked at in terms of there suitability in meeting the agreements aims.
13. Involvement of Anti-war groups should be considered.
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