Sunday, January 08, 2006

Keyword Index

I have decided to make a few improvements to the organisation of this site. The main changes are going to be the calculated use of Keywords in articles and the use of standard logos to easily identify the topic of each article.

There will be two small logos at the beginning of each article, one for the content type and one for the topic. e.g "website of the week" logo + "aviation" logo for an aviation website or "Report of the week" logo + "Low carbon technology logo" for report of the week to alternative technologies.

The keywords are suffixed with an "A" so that these, and only these articles can be brought up by searching for the relevant keyword in the searchbox at the side of the page.

The content types will be:
  1. Event notices --------------Keyword: EventA
  2. Audio of the Week ---------Keyword: AudioA
  3. Report of the Week --------Keyword: ReportA
  4. Video of the Week ---------Keyword: VideoA
  5. Website of the Week-------Keyword: WebsiteA
  6. e-Action's------------------Keyword: ActionA
  7. Feature Articles -----------Keyword: ArticleA
Themes will include (to be extended):
  1. Aviation -------------------Keyword: AviationA
  2. UK Climate Policy ----------Keyword: UKA
  3. Renewables ----------------Keyword: RenewablesA
  4. International Climate Policy Keyword: InternationalA
  5. Climate Science + Impacts--Keyword: ScienceA
  6. Business Actiion------------ Keyword: BusinessA

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