Report of the Week (well free climate change book)
This weeks report of the week is actually a free book. Just how you respond to this will probably depend on a couple of things; do you have time to read a 400 page book about climate change at the moment, and does the book actually cover a topic which is worth learning something about.A slightly condenced ;-) attempt at summarising all this information is also available here, a short report
i produced, its 20 pages not 400 but it obviously leaves out much of
the science.
I have no idea how much spare time you have but i do know it wont be wasted if you decide to read this book. The report is derived from the research presented at the January 2005 conference Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change. This conference, held at the behest of the UK govornment was so successfull and its conclusions so stark that futher funding and resources where supplied to the organisers by the UK department of the environment (DEFRA).
The research presented in january was up-dated as a result of discussions that occured as these climate scientists met and exchanged ideas. Now all the researh presented has been analysed and integrated into this book.
The sections are:
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i produced, its 20 pages not 400 but it obviously leaves out much of
the science.
I have no idea how much spare time you have but i do know it wont be wasted if you decide to read this book. The report is derived from the research presented at the January 2005 conference Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change. This conference, held at the behest of the UK govornment was so successfull and its conclusions so stark that futher funding and resources where supplied to the organisers by the UK department of the environment (DEFRA).
The research presented in january was up-dated as a result of discussions that occured as these climate scientists met and exchanged ideas. Now all the researh presented has been analysed and integrated into this book.
The sections are:
- Key vulnerabilities of the climate system and critical thresholds.
- General perspectives on dangerous impacts.
- Key vulnerabilities for Ecosystems and Biodiversity.
- Socio-Economic Effects: Key vulnerabilities for Water Resources,Agriculture, Food and Settlements.
- Regional perspectives: Polar Regions, Mid-Lattitueds, Sub-Tropics and Tropics.
- Emmisions pathways.
- Technological options.
Postscript; Climate Change, ReportA, ScienceA
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