Saturday, January 14, 2006

Report of the Week: WWF no place left to hide

Climate change brings a whole new demention to concervation, you are afterall attempting to protect a unique ecosystem/landscape combination. Climate change will force species to adapt or perish, for many species adaption will mean moving. What then is going to happen to national park boundaries? How severe are these effects going to be? These are a couple of the issues delt with in this short report by the WWF which attempts to highlight some of these important questions.
"Protected area agencies have rightly resisted attempts to move protected area boundaries or de-designate protected areas for periods of time. But under climate change, species for which a particular protected area was established may no longer survive there. Some protected areas—for instance in coastal, arctic and montane regions—may disappear altogether in their current form"

For the rest of the reports i`m currently reading look over to Climate Change Resources.

postscript: Climate Change, ReportA, ScienceA

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At 11:56 AM, Blogger Marvel said...

Keep up the good work Calvin!

At 1:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice blog! keep it up!!
-random stranger


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