Thursday, January 26, 2006

Status report for the blog.

Hello All, just an update on where the site is at.

1. If you have i.e you will have noticed the formatting problems, i`ve been trying to sort this but no success so far (if you can figure out the problem all advice welcome Calvin dot Jones at gmail dot com). Alternatively to get away from this problem, get yourself a decent browser like Firefox or Opera!

2. I`m looking for a job at the moment (un-surprisingly I want to work in energy policy/climate change campaigning) so my next feature article on chunks of progress towards mitigation will be in the pipes for quite a while.

3. Hello to all of my bloglines and bloglet (email) subscribers, I`ve noticed that the numbers of you are slowly but steadily growing.

4. Any suggestions for content on the site (website of the week, audio, video, reports, news etc... always welcome)


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At 11:34 AM, Blogger Calvin Jones said...


Thats absurd.

I sorted the problem, turns out if you put to large a url into a post it expands the blog sideways over the sidebar so the bar dosent have room and goes bellow the posts!

A flaw in the genius of blogger? I think so, especially with the fact it took 4 days before it became an issue...thats what confuses me.

One of the first things i did was to take of the most recent posts as i thought they might have something problamatic in them-but it was actually in a fairly old post-so it took me ages to find :-(

At 7:57 PM, Blogger Nat Uraleza said...


keep the good work matey!


At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wasn't a flaw in blogger, it was a flaw in Internet Explorer! I've had that kind of problem with my own blogs before, but only when I viewed them in IE.

About the website/audio/video etc of the week, won't you find it hard to find that stuff every week? You might just want to stick to regular articles if you find it hard. But don't let me put you off if you think you can manage it.

At 12:37 AM, Blogger Calvin Jones said...

Amazingly enough i`ve got a backlog of the stuff, for atleast 50-100 weeks i`ll be fine :-)

Also people do send me suggestions, which is nice, Alex at radio ecoshock also has a great collection on climate change, some of which i will be reccomending.


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