Thursday, February 09, 2006

Campagin against Climate Change Meeting: London

It will be good to get together and talk about the Dec 3rd demo's and how we are going to go even bigger for this years "Meeting of the Parties" and also to find our what the various local groups are up to in there communities. Hopefully i`ll have some interesting updates when i get back. Our local group website is here.

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At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you go to the meeting? I've neglected that campaign a little, because I was so involved at the end of last year organising the Liverpool effort (spent a fortune in the process) and want a break from it now.

I need to concentrate on looking for a new job, not to mention a local election campaign for the Green Party.

At 12:06 AM, Blogger Calvin Jones said...

Yup i was there Martin.

Great stuff as always, its always a superb motivator to hear what everyone else is doing and what is successfull for them.

I`ll post an update soon (when i`m less tired)


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