Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Chunks of Progress on Climate Change Mitigation.

I`ve decided upon the issues I`m going to focus on for my next article-'chunks of progress'. These individual chunks are all essential if we are going to mitigate climate change sufficiently to prevent catastrophic events, and just as importantly, if we are going to limit the rate of change so eco-systems can adapt. This target is generally taken as 450ppm co2, tailing off to 400ppm by the end of the century.

Although these chunks can indeed be thought of as discrete entities several of them are infact indicative of the many broader changes that will be required.

These are the chunks I have chosen to focus on, if anyone has ideas for other technoogies/policies that they think I should address then leave a comment.

1. Carbon Capture and Storage developed and rapidly rolled out.
2. Continued and accelerated Wind Power growth over the next 50 years.
3. Increased efficiency of the worlds car fleet.
4. Halting the growth of aviation in the next 10 years.
5. Expanding of distributed energy systems across both developed and developing nations.
6. De-globalisation of manufacturing.

Many of these chunks of progress have synergies with other technologies/policies which must be addressed. All of these are key issues but the hundreds of small changes associated with lowering energy and carbon intensity of society must also be addressed.

This article is being delayed due to my job hunting and involvement with the Campaign against Climate Change in Aberdeen, hopefully it will be worth reading once its done.

Climate Change Action

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