Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Report of the Week: Distributed energy systems.

This weeks report of the week is "Decentralising Power; an energy revoloution". If you have ever wondered how environmentalists can claim we dont need nuclear and can still cut back on coal then look no futher this is the report for you.

Basically the current grid system is enormously wastefull, it only transfers electricity after all. And electricity is usually only around 35-45% of the energy put in to the system. If the remaining output, heat, was captured you could reasonably get efficeincies approaching 95% with the only losses being those of transmission. But this isnt pie in the sky, it is popular in several european countries.

If we make our homes and buisnesses more efficeint, then use more local heating systems along with micro-renewables we can cut the amount we spend on energy, this is not an expensive option, just a diffrent one!

A previous article on the subject can be found here.

postscript; Climate Change, ReportA, RenewablesA


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