Saturday, February 25, 2006

Video of the Week: Climate Change--Forget the Feds

This weeks video of the week is a product of Sourcecode TV and comes to you via itsgettinghotinhere a communal blog that has some great content about community activism. To summarise this program i take a quote form itsgettinghotinhere:

"What do you do when the top level leaders in your Country refuse to comply with international agreements about global warming? You make them irrelevant and work locally.This episode, meet the Mayors, who are making sure their cities meet or beat Kyoto greenhouse gas emmission reductions. Hear from Daphne Wysham about the hidden victims of carbon trading (which we just found out is managed by the World Bank. go figure). Find out what the international youth movement is doing about climate change. And travel to the Arctic with the Cape Farewell artists and scientists."

I think this is a very interesting development, i'm fairly submersed in US politics at the moment and I find it quite amazing just how little the the federal govornment seem to care about the impact there policies have on the environment. But, perhaps because of the extremity of the federal govornments position, the US's environmental movement is a very dynamic and energetic one.

Postscript: Climate Change, VideoA, ActivismA


Climate Change Action

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