Wednesday, March 29, 2006

General Update + Progress Report (Climate Change Action)

Just a quick update on where things are at with the blog and with my work.

The blog is likely to be in competition with work for my time...and it will lose! The way in which it will lose is that it will have less original content. Regular updates are continuing but original content takes serious time.

Hello new subscribers, good to have you on board, hopefully i can keep you current with climate change news and events and you can keep me informed on climate change news and events! Suggestions for stories and comments are always wellcome.

Having said that current articles i am working on include:
1. Chunks of progress and theire defficiencies. (inspired by wedges)
2. "Asian Perspectives on Climate Change", A Review.
3. "Meeting the UK energy and climate needs: The Role of Carbon Capture and storage", a Review.
4. How do we engage people on climate change? My personal thoughts.
5. (The UK Climate Change Policy Review + Responses) My summary.

At work with CCC.

Currently i'm dealing with the info i collected when calling around our local groups, i`m also phoning some people again who didnt return my call first time around. I also attended out 'media group' meeting and have several things i need to do as followup from this. Leaflet design and templates for future events may feature quite prominantly in my schedule, although much of this may be in my 'spare' time. I also need to update the CCC Aberdeen website, talk to some of the people in scotland, confirm a talk by Jonathan Neale. Go back and look at the minutes for the last london and officers meetings and find out what i commited my self to do and what everyone else commited them selves to do and then do what needs to be done.

OK I`m Busy.

I`m also moving flats tomorrow.

Climate Change Action

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At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Calvin,

Just wondering how things are going for you darn sarf? How's life in the big smoke? You said that you are moving flats - out of Brixton? Tried to give you a phone the other day a couple of times but your phone was off.

Anyhow, hope all goes well. Look forward to hearing from you.

Mr F. R. Bowler MIA, CJD, STD, etc.

At 6:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Calvin,

I am proud to be a member of your Climate Change Action Group. It is very informative and I would also like to contribute to your group representing the Asia / India region.
It is nice to know that you are working on some of the topics including "Asian Perspectives on Climate Change", A Review. I am presently working as Lead Consultant for Vulnerability and Adaptability to Climate Change in Semi-Arid areas of India. This is an international Programme, supported by SDC. I also did a presentation on Peoples Voices on Climate Change. If useful I would like to send you the relevant information.

Best Regards,

Sai Bhaskar


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