Thursday, March 16, 2006

News Highlight: India to promote carbon market for GHG reduction

Followng up on my recent report of the week, i just found a series of reports about the state of the worlds carbon markets. If you read my report of the week you will know that the political climate in india has been described as largely against the implementation of an ETS due to economic issues perculiar to Italy. Conversely, India seems very keen to promote the CDM, an entirely unidirectional process.

I think this article may be of interest to those of you with an interest in either carbon markets per se , or global stratagies. A global ETS is becoming more and more the way of the future, as i see it. There are going to be formidable environmental integrity issues to deal with, and this will, i believe become the challenge for environmentalists of the future. On a posotive note, an ETS with a cap has one huge advantage, the global cap can be set by science! Contraction and Convergence here we come!

Postscript; Climate Change, BusinessA, NewsA, InternationalA

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