Wednesday, May 31, 2006

General Climate Change Action Update: News Starts to Come My Way

I`m not sure why but in the past two days i have been emailed by several people keeping me informed about theire work on climate change.

I have been approached by two publishers and asked to give book reviews on this site, look out for those when i get the books.

I have also been emailed by David Walker of Shefield who has written a book, the climate change chapters of which are now available for free download. this book is a great free overview i have added it to my 'climate change for dummies post'.

I have also been informed about a several articles on climate change in US news. An interview
with Al Gore the cover story of U.S. News & World Report, "Global Warming: Can We Live With It?" and an article on US insurers cashing in on climate change.

This is really interesting, the news is starting to come to me. If you have a book you would like reviewing or an article you would like mentioning then please just send me an email and i will se what i can do.

Climate Change Action

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