Thursday, June 29, 2006

Video of the Week: Biomass CHP

The future landscape of European energy supply and demand will have to make much greater use of new renewable energy sources and focus more upon energy-efficient methods. Today, we can be proud of the fact that Europe is already a leading advocate in the fight to halt the depletion of natural resources and prevent climate change. Our task is now to persuade both consumers and key decision-makers of the benefits of sustainable energy production and use.

The Sustainable Energy Europe 2005-2008 Campaign is a European Commission initiative in the framework of the Intelligent Energy - Europe (2003-2006) programme, which aims to raise public awareness and promote sustainable energy production and use among individuals and organisations, private companies and public authorities, professional and energy agencies, industry associations and NGOs across Europe.
Postscript; ClimateChange; VideoA; RenewablesA


Climate Change Action

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