Saturday, July 01, 2006

Climate Gangsters Party

Climate Gangsters Party, June 24th 2006; US Embassy, Grosvenor Sq, London.
Hosted by Campaign against Climate Change.

This party had a lot goig for it, we had 3-4 different acts, including Rob the Dub of Peace not War and a good selection of talented musicians, we were allowed in the park, the costumes where good and the weather was perfect. Speaking to Rob aftweward i was very encouraged that we could build the event and get a good number of people to it; we just need to make sure that we have amplification and that the police dont have a problem with this. The general idea behind the party is that it becomes a interesting event i its own right and becomes largely self sustaining, this is a way off but unlike the first event the vibe was really posotive so hopefully the word will start to spread.

These are happening monthly, the next being on July 15th, and having a G8 theme due to the date.

Be there: 15th July Grosvenor Sq, London, 2pm-6ish G Ate My Planet Party

Climate Change Action

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