Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Back from the Climate Youth Network in Bruxelles off to Climate Camp near Drax

I arrived back in London late Sunday night from the Climate Youth Network meeting in Bruxelles that I attended for most of the weekend.

It was an interesting experiance for me and hopefully not without use for the campaign as a whole--I found out that there is going to be a small event happening in Serbia for Nov 4th so that 39 countries where things should be going on!

I`ll make a few more comments about this trip when I get the minutes of the meeting so I can talk with reference to names not vague descriptions.

Now for a change of tone, i`m off to Drax power station for some Direct Action! I hope to see some of you theire...peaceful direct action is a proportionate response to inaction by govornment on an issue that is of crucial global importance. I think the camp for climate action is going to be a facinating event. For more on the much maligned practice of peaceful direct action I suggest Monboit or perhaps Gandhi.


"Non-violent direct action is a misnomer. It is not a direct attempt to
change the world through physical action, but a graphic and symbolic means of
drawing attention to neglected issues, capturing hearts and minds through
political theatre."

Climate Change Action

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