Sunday, August 13, 2006

Report of the Week:Reducing Carbon Emissions from Transport

This week's report of the week is by the ever insightful House of Commons Environmental Audit Select Committee.

I was actually just wondering what they where up to at the moment, well, now we know.

It's nice to see that this cross-party group dosent pull its punches. The quote bellow is of perticular current interest to me as i`m currently reading one book on globalisation and another on economic growth.

While we recognise the difficulties in decoupling economic growth from increases in
carbon emissions in the transport sector, we are concerned that the Department seems to
have a fatalistic attitude which sees carbon-intensive activities and economic growth as
going hand in hand. The Department must be much bolder in intervening to break the
upward spiral of economic growth leading to higher emissions.

Download Here: Part One : Part Two


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