Friday, September 08, 2006

Free Magazines on Renewable Energy, Cogeneration and On Site Power

Hello all,

Just discovered a couple of great magazines for getting a bit more information about renewable energy developments, policy and technology.

The first one, which I now have a FREE subscription to is Cogeneration & On-Site Power. Basically go to the website, fill out the form and give them some details that make you look like the sort of person who could buy a small generating unit...and away you go :-)

The list of feature articles are bellow, some good stuff.

Cool technologies - integrating district cooling and thermal energy storage with on-site power
District cooling is a well established technology in North America and is growing fast in other parts of the world too. It is often enhanced with thermal energy storage, which acts to smooth energy loads.
By John Andrepont

At a crossroads - on-site energy in South Korea
Restructuring of South Korea's electricity industry from 2001 has unlocked the door to on-site power. Another CHP driver is a bottleneck in the electricity grid between the main metropolitan areas and the region where many nuclear and coal-fired power stations are located.
By Kwanghoon Seok

Defined by the heat balance - HRSG design is crucial to overall efficiency
Heat-recovery steam generators recover energy from the waste heat from gas turbines and use this energy to generate steam. Engineers must pay close attention to some design aspects not only to optimize the thermal efficiency, but also to protect equipment.
By David Flin

UK decentralized - applying the WADE economic model
What would happen to UK power prices and emissions of carbon dioxide if all the new electricity generating capacity installed over the next 20 years was decentralized energy? The WADE economic model answers this and other questions.
By Sytze Dijkstra

Engine-based CHP - new opportunities for applications with smaller heat loads
With other economic, environmental and power quality advantages available, large extended heating loads are no longer essential to the application of CHP in on-site power.
By Michael A. Devine

Building Romania's hothouse - district heating has immense potential for expansion
Romania has a well developed district heating sector, much of it incorporating cogeneration plants. However, many systems are old and highly inefficient, and there has been a trend for buildings to disconnect in favour of individual heating systems.
By Ionut Purica and Eberhart George

There is also a 'sister' magazine called Renewable Energy World that is focused on solar/wind/biomass etc. rather than efficient fossil fuel usage.

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