Thursday, October 19, 2006

Commit your 20% energy reduction and invite your friends to do the same.

The energy saving trust in the UK have just recieved a significant amount of funding for an energy reduction drive. An interestng part of this campaign is a website where you can commit to a 20% reduction in energy use and then tell your friends why you are doing this. The site allows you to pick a specific location that you can use as a symbol of the environment you most pasionately want to be protected from devestation by climate change.

I choose the Cairngorms as this is where i grew up, and the ecological charachter is unique to this small, high, central part of scotland.

The guy who hellped to plan the site, Asi, works for Grand Union and has an interesting blog on marketing here. He reminded me about the site and asked for a small link but i like the site so...

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At 11:46 PM, Blogger Calvin Jones said...


I have already completed this questionaire and hope others will do likewise.


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