Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Communicating Climate Change: Video and Report by Futerra

Have you ever felt like Casandra? No, i`m not asking the men amongst you about any cross dressing tendencies. I`m talking about Casandra of ancient Greek myth, who foresore the seige of Troy but was unable to make anyone listen to her warning.

This experiance is, I imagine, non to uncommon amgngst environmentalists. There is a climate crisis comming and we know but will the world react! Fortunately there are people who understand the problem of communicating urgency, and dont underestimate them. Marketing may not be a nobel occupation but it is a powerful dark art that we would to well to learn some lesons from.

This video bellow explains some of the details of how to carry out a succesful communication strategy. And booklet has a few tips on each key message. The video bellow and the report are both products of Futerra marketing, the people behind the UK govornments climate change communication strategy.

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