Friday, October 27, 2006

Prophets of Hope Update

A prophets of hope update...they are planning a series of projections on iconic building around London. This is eing done to highlight the importance of action on climate change, and more perticularly the national climate march and Icount events in London on Nov 4th so it must be happening soon..stay tuned!

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At 4:48 PM, Blogger Matt Burge said...

'The Siberian Timebomb', the most important wake-up call since 'Silent Spring'. For more info on this BBC report track back to my blog or, go to .


I've had an answer back from the Beeb.

The report will be repeated on BBC News 24 over the weekend at the following times;
On 28 October 2006 at 05:30, 14:30 and 21:30 and on 29 October at 03:30 and
14:30 GMT.

Please see if you can.


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