Recommended Webcast (Slideshow + Audio): James Hansen on car emmision standards.
I just found another great webcast, via columbia university this time its actually on the new york academy of sciences website. There is some background here.
You need Flash installed, you can select the slides you want to view with the corresponding audio.
Driving Climate Change: Large gains from modest measures. Climate change mitigation the easy way.
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You need Flash installed, you can select the slides you want to view with the corresponding audio.
Driving Climate Change: Large gains from modest measures. Climate change mitigation the easy way.
"But in fact climate change is now occurring, he stated, and it's
likely to continue, absent serious interventions. Indeed, "I'm more pessimistic
than the IPCC analyses with regard to the time scale required for disintegration
of significant pieces of the large ice sheets." Hansen bases his estimate
"mainly on the history of the Earth and just looking at the energetics," as well
as the fact that ice, it turns out, disintegrates faster than it grows—and not
in a linear way.
In Defusing the Global Warming Time Bomb, in the March 2004 Scientific American, Hansen argues that global warming greater than approximately 1°C bodes ill for the health of ice sheets and future sea-level change. Over the past few million years, Earth has warmed roughly 1°C above today's temperature, but not more than that."
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