Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Review of UK Press coverage: Stern Review and Green Taxes

Just a quick note.

I have been through all of the UK national papers and had a look at there views on the Stern Review and the govornment that where expected to be launched along with the report.

There are some interesting observations there, nice work from the Guardian, Indy, FT. Evil bastard prize goes to The Sun which only narrowly pipped the Daily Mail to the post.

Check out my thoughts.

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At 1:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Stern report did not receive too much press coverage in the US, but it was all over the news in Canada, where the current government's stance on climate changehas been widely criticized. The Stern Report dominated the front page of Monday's Globe and Mail (national newspaper):

At 8:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about television news coverage of the Stern Review? In the US, in the UK in particular...Any specific data much appreciated!


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