Monday, December 11, 2006

Review: Green Futures by Forum for the Future

There are a great variety of magazines and journals covering so called Green issues. Which of these reading materials are of interest is a very personal matter; are you more interested in lifestyle changes, environmental policy in your country, international progress on climate mitigation, the science of climate change, broader sustainability issues or perhaps a purely financial focus.

In my case, whilst I find lifestyle mags to be of some interest such works represent a niche market, albeit a niche that I very much hope expands, I am therefore more interested in progress both business and public sector that effects the wider population.

One of the best magazines that I have read on this aspect of action; progressive business and govornment policy, is "Green Futures".

Topics covored in recent issues range from wind and tidal power development and expansion to microgeneration payback times and trends internationally. The coverage of low impact transport systems and the role of urban planning is also of great interest to me. To quote Amory Lovins roughly 'Travel is a symptom of being in the wrong place'. In all but recreational examples this is a symptom that has a range of treatments; work, school, home and shopping should not each be a car journey away from each other.

One of the main reasons that I enjoy this magazine is probably the same as the reason that--sat typing this--i have just turned off the podcast i was listening to. We all want to stay informed but information without inspiration and without empowerment is depressing not activating. Forum for the future was set up "On a promise of solutions and partnerships, rather than conflicts and blame".

So if you are interested in a smart and creative business approach to climate change along with the latest development is Green policy then I highly recommend going over to the Forum for the Future website, checking out a few articles and buying that subscription...or maybe a Christmas present for someone else?

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