Tuesday, January 30, 2007

World Development Movement Climate Change Action in Brighton

The good people at World Development Movement in Brighton. Getting busy spreading the word on the streets at the launch of this years climate campaign...notice the ballons in proportion to emissions in the UK and Bangladesh.

Other news from Brighton:

WDM Climate Change Speaker Tour (dates around the country)

We will be hosting a talk by Ricardo Navarez from El Salvador, former International Chair of Friends of the Earth. The tour is being organised by WDM head office, and it is hoped that he will bring a Southern perspective on how both developing countries & the West can work together to combat climate change. The talk will be on the afternoon of Saturday 24th February at the Brighthelm Centre

* Planning group to meet next Tues (16th Jan) 8pm at the Earth & Stars pub. Anyone who fancies coming pls email me slambrighton[at]yahoo.co.uk
* The room is booked & we have flyers but we need a chair for the meeting. Anyone with any ideas for a good chair email me (above) and I will pass on relevant info.
* Trevor to liaise with FoE re public meeting

Carbon Festival

This is being organised by Brighton Climate Change with the idea of holding climate events and actions during the arts festival in May. Everyone at the meeting was keen to support this, and anyone with any ideas of eye-catching stunts can post them on the forum.

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Climate Change Action

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