Thursday, February 22, 2007

Communicating Climate Change: Creating Behavioural Change

The issue of how we communicate climate change is an interesting one. In fact, the further I look into 'messaging' , 'frames' and 'language disipline' the more important it looks.

Today i have found three more interesting pieces on the topic, all by Lisa Delling and Susan Moser who work for the Environmental and Social Impacts Group, NCAR, Boulder Colorado.

Firstly, a powerpoint presentation,

'Confused and Scared and Deeply in Denial'.
Secondly, a journal article

'Making the Climate Hot: Communicating the urgency and challenge of global climate change'
Finally, this book chapter

'Communicating the Risks of Global Warming: American risk perceptions, affective images and interpretive communities'.

In a previous post I linked to few interesting pieces of work on this topic, these are here, i also found a good talk about marketing here, for the die hard's all relevant posts on my blog can be found here.

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At 10:50 PM, Blogger Anna said...

An excellent and readable book that starts by engaging people with climate change on the basis of their core values [e.g. Winner, Traditionalist] is George Marshall's "Carbon Detox - your step-by-step guide to getting real about climate change" [ISBN 978-1-85675-288-6], and then dealing with "the carbon bottom line" - what your individual footprint is, and how to reduce it significantly without resorting to tokenism.

An enjoyable, enlightening and useful read for communicating climate change and creating behavioural change.


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