Exxon Mobil (XOM) Funded Climate Skeptics To Launch New Report!
I have just been sent notification of an exxon funded group about to launch a 'critique' of the latest IPCC report.
This will happen on 10am Monday in central London.
I include a link to the briefing on this group, it is the usuall crew, including Bellamy! If a few of you could make it and hand out these briefings that would be great--i`m currently in Aberdeen sorry :-( . Also, please give me a ring if you have any questions or suggestions asto how we can highlight this!
Calvin Jones
UK 01339 756000
Here is the notification that i recieved:
There is a Canadian Exxon-funded think tank readying to launch an attack on the IPCC report on Monday, Feb. 5th at 10am at the Atrium Restaurant (across from the Houses of Parliament, Four Millbank, Westminster. Here's the info, with backgrounders on the group, we need people down there to get out the message about who these guys really are. I'm stuck halfway around the world and cannot attend. Even just 5 peopel to print off copies of the briefing note I have prepared and be there to hand it out to meeting -- anybody can go. And, trust me, you will really be making a difference. Would also be a very cool excercise in showing just how powerful blogs can be!!!! Contact me at kevin[at]desmogblog.com if you want more information.
Here is some background on the fraser institute:
Here is a report detailing those involved:
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This will happen on 10am Monday in central London.
I include a link to the briefing on this group, it is the usuall crew, including Bellamy! If a few of you could make it and hand out these briefings that would be great--i`m currently in Aberdeen sorry :-( . Also, please give me a ring if you have any questions or suggestions asto how we can highlight this!
Calvin Jones
UK 01339 756000
Here is the notification that i recieved:
There is a Canadian Exxon-funded think tank readying to launch an attack on the IPCC report on Monday, Feb. 5th at 10am at the Atrium Restaurant (across from the Houses of Parliament, Four Millbank, Westminster. Here's the info, with backgrounders on the group, we need people down there to get out the message about who these guys really are. I'm stuck halfway around the world and cannot attend. Even just 5 peopel to print off copies of the briefing note I have prepared and be there to hand it out to meeting -- anybody can go. And, trust me, you will really be making a difference. Would also be a very cool excercise in showing just how powerful blogs can be!!!! Contact me at kevin[at]desmogblog.com if you want more information.
Here is some background on the fraser institute:
Here is a report detailing those involved:
Labels: uk grass-roots activism
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Thank you for this good post. The Fraser Institute is an extreme rightwing think tank resident in Canada dedicated to ending public health care in this nation and to lobbying on behalf of the oil industry. They are global warming denyers. A dodgey group of right wing extremists if there ever was one.
Here is more information
Postscript: related posts and storieshere here, and here
Well well well. The Fraser Institute has now issued a news release indicating that their news conference on Monday,(intended to deny global warming) will likey have demonstrators. As a result they are increasing security for access to the event.
Bravo Climate Change Action. You already have their attention.
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