Sunday, April 08, 2007

Climate Change Action Promotion and Readers

Just a bit of self promotion. If you like the blog then you might be interested in subscribing, digging, or otherwise promoting.

Web 1.0
Climate Change Action is linked to from 167 Blogs (including Trehugger) according to Technorati.

Web 2.0
Climate Change Action has 50 Bloglines Subscribers. (Compared to 30 for the Pew Centre)
Climate Change Action has been tagged with Del.Ico.Us 42 Times. (Compared US EPA 54)
Climate Change Action has 102 subscribers who receive regular email updates. (sub via sidebar)
Climate Change Action has an unknown number of RSS feed subscribers.
The Climate Change Action feed is displayed in the sidebar of 3 climate change blogs including
this one, this one, and one i cant remember. (Thanks!)

An idea of what I am doing and where this blog is going...

The main things that I am trying to maintain are:
1.) A balance of geographical coverage, there is far more information about US and European climate action but i`m making a conscious effort to go beyond this.
2.) Trying to keep a broad outlook on climate action, from grass roots activism to politics, business and special interest groups.
3.) Sharing video and audio as well as reports; i think most people would rather watch an interesting talk rather than read the corresponding report.
4.) I am also always interested in new angles (e.g health, security, urban quality of life) and discussing how these relate to building a climate movement.

Recently i have become more interested in:
5.) How we project a positive vision of a low carbon future. 'Marketing' climate mitigation and changing behaviours (not just attitudes) is something that I will be increasingly looking at.


Climate Change Action

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At 8:07 AM, Blogger Dave Riley said...

I link to CCA because it is one of the sharpest aggregators of discussion trends. I also link because the focus is on the ACTION and not just the news.

Since it's so often updated I run CCA as a feed on one of my blog widgets: GreenLefts:LeftGreens. I read it via its feed and get to sharee it that way too.


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