Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Did China just make a huge announcement that no one noticed?

I was reading an article entitled "180 GW of Wind Power Possible in Europe by 2020" which is nice, as we already know that most of the EU's 20% renewable energy target will be derived from wind power as it is the most developed renewable energy.

At the base of the article it did mention, more aless as an aside that china has taken on a 16% renewable energy target for 2020! That is huge isn't it?

I`m not saying adequate, but still, HUGE!

So internationally we have the following:
1. EU has 20% renewable energy target (all energy not just electricity), this will be 30% if other nations join in a post-kyoto deal.
2. The US is considering a 15% renewable mandate.
3. China has a 16% renewablke energy target.

Does anyone have any clue how vast the market for renewable energy is going to be, relative to today if these targets are met or even approached.

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