Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Ethics of Climate Change (Report of the Week)

The ethics of climate change, something that is vaguely talked about often but looked at in detail rarely.

Penn State university have done some facinating work on this in collaboration with a wide range of other groups.

My report of the week is the Ethical Dimension of Climate Change Whitepaper.

An extremely eloquent spokesperson for this report speaks on the issues involved in this video.

The Program on the Ethical Dimensions of Climate Change Seeks to:

  • Facilitate express examination of ethical dimensions of climate change particularly for those issues entailed by specific positions taken by governments, businesses, NGOs, organizations, or individuals on climate change policy matters;

  • Create better understanding about the ethical dimensions of climate change among makers and general public;

  • Assure that people around world, including those most vulnerable to climate change, participate in any ethical inquiry about responses climate change;

  • Develop an interdisciplinary approach inquiry about the ethical dimensions of climate change and support publications examine ethical dimensions of climate change;

  • Make results of scholarship on ethical dimensions of climate change available to and accessible policy makers, scientists, and citizen groups;

  • Integrate ethical analysis into the work of other institutions engaged in climate change including Intergovernmental Program on Climate Change and Conference of Parties to United Nations Conference on Climate Change.

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