Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Murdoch talks tough on climate change.

Rupurt Murdoch has decided that climate change is a problem, and he's going to make sure that everyone who watches/reads/listens to media under his control gets that message.

How important is this? Well Murdoch controls:

"Fox News, 20th Century Fox, HarperCollins,, and dozens of newspapers in Australia, the U.K., the U.S., and beyond."
So it is a significant position...I just wonder how his news empire, including Republican mouthpiece FoxNews can make climate change a key issue without making Al Gore a hero. I guess slander should do it, i`ll watch with interest how this progresses.

The general approach will include more sitcoms, commedy, general programing including climate change.

News Corp. Vice President of Business Development Roy Bahat told Grist that the company will not try to awkwardly wedge the issue into programs, but said, "It will naturally become more prevalent throughout our programming, be it sitcoms or news. We are asking all of our creative leaders to incorporate climate change in ways that would make drama more dramatic, or comedy funnier, or news more relevant -- ways that inspire viewers to bond with the program."
This story from Grist.


Climate Change Action

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