Sunday, May 13, 2007

Obama and Clinton Support Bill Calling for 80% GHG Reductions by 2050

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have co-spo sponsored a bill by Bernnie Sanders, the only socialist us senator...calling for an 80% reduction in greenhouse gases by 2050.

This discrete signing occured shortly after 1400 events--as part of step it up 2007-- across the US brought people out onto the streets calling for a bill with this level of reduction to be enacted.

"Ever wonder if citizen action really matters? There's no one who can read public opinion like presidential candidates (they have armies of pollsters), so please take it as a real tribute to your hard work that on Thursday both Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton signed on to support 80% emissions cuts by 2050!!!! They did it quietly, signing on as co-sponsors to the Sanders bill in the Senate which contains that goal. We'll need them to speak out loud and clear in the months ahead to make sure that whoever wins the White House has a mandate for big change. But we're awfully glad that they've followed John Edwards down the 80 by 50 road. When we announced that goal in early January, people said it was too big, too ambitious. But we knew it was what the science demanded--and now we know that, thanks to you, political reality can change with lighting speed!"

If this came into law it would certainly give America a leadership role on the issue...and hope would become a somewhat more significant feature of climate politics. Internationally the impact would be huge, and America may even regain a reputation as responsible member of the international community.

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