Sunday, June 24, 2007

Number One Breamar Road: Climate Action Plan

Climate change: bringing it home.

My parents run a tearoom, it is a small business, but there a a large number of small businesses and cumulatively they have a significant impact.

I`m currently working on a plan to reduce the t-rooms environmental impact significantly.

It's a rather odd situation, if i wanted solar panels then i could probably have pushed for them and got them installed already but they would be providing only a small fraction of our energy needs. It's energy efficiency first and second, i`m looking forward to solar panels soon though!

I don't feel like sharing this plan at the moment as I have just started. Also, there is a real problem with data we have general electricity bills but we don't know where all the energy is going. In order to solve this problem I  have just ordered a kill-a-watt metre so i can see where the energy is being consumed. You plug an appliance into the kill-a-watt and it into the wall, it give you KWh, watts, volts and cost of energy.

I also plan to by an Electrisave mains energy monitor that i can clip onto the
 mains cable it then transmits to a display panel that can be move around. I'll put this
on the counter hopefully it will start some conversations!

The wisdom of spending some cash on finding out the details of energy usage, and having live monitoring was reinforced by this fascinating article on the oil drum.

The Electrisave monitor, in particular is --i think-- a great idea. One of the key parts that i see
in this plan i`m writing is engaging with the customers.
I cant see a better way to start than them asking what the electricity metre is doing on the counter!

You can either buy an Electrisave monitor for 69.99 or rent one for a month at 19.99, that's a pretty good idea if you are doing it for your own advantage at home and you just want to change those habits.

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Climate Change Action

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