Sunday, July 22, 2007

My to-read list...

I have been reading quite a bit about business recently. Not a topic that i`m usually to interested in but it's been novel. However, the 'reading between the lines' and 'connecting the dots' has started to get on my nerves. It will be nice to change and read on some different topics.

My current 'wish list' on Amazon, books i`m planning to buy soon.

As you will see if you take a look, there are a few novels, i like russian literature (in English translation!); also a few spin off's from my favourtie book recently 'capitalism as if thw world matters'; then a political book by Orwell (chomsky describes it as Orwell's best); then some books on cities and urban design;then some Marx and some Chomsky (it should be noted in the name of ballance that i have already read On The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith so looking at both sides dosen't make me a communist!), finally a look at fractals and natural complexity.

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