Friday, August 24, 2007

Climate Radio: Climate Camp 2007 Special

Phil England continues to bring us all updates on climate activism and policy from around the UK.

Recent highlights are relavent to the recent Camp for Climate Action. Firstly a show called 'Aviation Planning Disaster' secondly a Camp for Climate Action special.

Check them out...and let me know, where you at the Climate Camp: what did you think of it?

I left the camp on Sunday evening convinced that a new political movement has been born -

George Monbiot in The Guardian
Some details of the climate camp show:

Interviews, recordings and reports from the amazing 2007 Camp for Climate Action near Heathrow Airport, London.

Seven days of workshops, sustainable living and direct action on the root causes of climate change.

The show covers:

- participatory education and consensus decision making with Alice of the Trapese Collective (editors of "Do It Yourself - a handbook for changing our world published by Pluto Press)
- analysis of the media coverage in conversation with the media team
- a conversation with local residents about their views of the Camp
- other stuff,,2150733,00.html

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