Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sustainable Urban Transport

Sustainable urban transport is an idea that is relevant to so many problems. Dependence on foreign oil, air quality, social inclusion, health and fitness, economic growth...all are positively benefited by a move away from private forms of transport.

Recently i started reading this book on the topic, and ordered this one. I like using a couple of text books to complement recent reports and websites so that i get a good grounding in the issues as well as some of the more interesting new ideas.

In terms of websites, there seems to be quite a variety. The three that i have used a lot so far are
the Institute for Development and Transport Policy and the archieves of the THREBO9 conference and GoBRT a site promoting Bus Rapid Transit.

Other websites that i will be getting into shortly include EMBARQ: The WRI centre for sustainable transport, UrbanPlanet and the New Mobility Agenda.

Mexico city is one of the worlds largest cities and has some of the worlds busiest streets. They are currently embracing Bus Rapid Transit and cycle routes to dramatically improve transport and qaulity of life for the cities citizens.

New York is considering a congestion charge, with revenues being allocated to public transport. Is this a good idea...the case is made.

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