Friday, October 12, 2007

TED tribute to Al Gore

The TED talks have quite a reputation on the Internet. Technology, Entertainment & Design is an annual conference of "Inspired talks by the world's greatest thinkers and doers".

Entrepreneurs from the ceo's of major businesses to great musicians and leaders meet to share ideas worth sharing.

Last year gore spoke at ted (video), now after winning the Nobel peace prize, TED attendees are paying there own tributes (and here,here, here!) and talking about how gore's presentation influenced there work.

The following is quite typical, and perhaps goes some way to explaining why Gore is so viciously attacked by partisan hacks on the right...even if he isn't running he still represents Democratic ideals not current republican ones.

After experiencing Al at TED, vowed to change my Republican ways, support Hillary for President (unless, of course, Al agrees to run!), shift my business to sourcing sustainability innovations for Fortune 500 companies and admit publicly that I am now a “Recovering Republican” for the rest of my life… -- Mark A. Kaiser

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