Friday, November 09, 2007

China and Climate Change: Policies and Measures

Clearly with a booming economy and a population of 1200 million people much depends on China's approach to the challenge of climate change.

The Climate Group have started a bi-monthly publication looking at Chinese policy. The first report is here the second here and they are updated to this website.

All Climate Change Action posts on China can be found here.

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At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi everybody!

I am quite interested on this topic and i imagine that all who are writing in here or visiting this blog are also quite worried about the situation we are currently living, so it would be quite interesting for you if you have a look to this site i have found where environmental problems, climate change, global warming are treated from the citizen´s point of view on a meeting called ENCODE 2007 which is going to be held this year in Malaga (Spain) from the 29th to the 30th of november. I am sure you it would be worthy to have a look and leave your opinion in there, which will be for sure really valuable. Also, as I have read, it is also possible to participate online those days on which the event is being held. There will be also some papers from important speakers from the environmental and social context, such as Rigoberta Menchu, Bob Geldof or Ignacio Ramonet. Also, in the meeting held last year Al Gore, Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for his effort against global warming and climate change also participated. In ENCODE 2007, citizens are the centre of the event itself, which emphasizes on the new challenges proposed by the Knowledge Society, promoting a model of sustainable development worldwide.It really looks quite interesting so don´t miss it!! Also it is a good oportunity for all of us who are interested in environmental disasters to participate and give our opinion about this important topic, which is a matter of concern for all of us.
Please have a look on the site

At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perdón, el link correcto es :


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