Friday, November 16, 2007

How can we win the race against climate catastrophe?

Video from the campaign against climate change conference of Nov 8th.

Including talks by George Monbiot, Phil Thornhill and Mayer Hillman.

From the Campaign website:

Thursday November 8th, saw the Friends Meeting House packed out for a tremendous Public meeting Speakers were George Monbiot, author and journalist, John Sauven, Director of Greenpeace UK, Sophie from the Camp for Climate Action and Phil Thornhill, National Coordinator, Campaign against Climate Change.

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Climate Change Action

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At 3:08 AM, Blogger juandos said...

How can any upright walking hominid claiming even a mote's worth of working gray matter believe in the myth of human induced global weather change?

At 2:27 PM, Blogger John A said...

Calvin, this video has been slightly remixed to fix an incorrect caption and here is the result. I am going to remove the version that you are linked to.


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