Sunday, November 25, 2007

UNFCCC Bali climate talks: Protests, Lobbying, Meetings Planned

The Bali Climate talks may be a historic event...many people are trying to make this so:
  1. The World Business Council on Sustainable Development and International Chamber of Commerce are holding a 'Business Day' to lobby for a new climate deal.
  2. The Global Climate Campaign are coordinating demonstrtions around the world to push the politicians into action.
  3. Greenpeace use the Bali climate talks to highlight the global disaster that is palm oil production.
  4. Groups working together on development and adaptation are getting together to educate the conference attendees on these joint challenges.
  5. SustainUS send a youth delegation to Bali to make the views of the American people clear.
  6. 100 Cyclists cycle from Jakartat to Nusa Dua (Bali) to highlight the ways that people can fight climate change video coverage Oxfam International.


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