Thursday, December 06, 2007

Alter-Eco: news from the UN Climate Conference

Almuth Ernsting of Biofuelwatch sent me this email whith links to the Transnational Institute which gives a climate justice or global south perspective on the issues up for debate at Bali. I wasn't aware of this group but they are working on vital issues so i was glad to share there views.


I thought people might like to see some alternative views from the Bali Climate Conference. I am here with a colleague from Biofuelwatch and we joined in with others who formed a Climate Justice Group - people who are horrified to see that the climate negotiations are little else than a carbon trade fair,
with critical NGOs being virtually excluded and completely marginalise, all NGOs moved to a venue 2minutes from the main conference centre, and with
indigenous peoples organisations not given a proper voice.

Here is the
first [and second] edition of a short newsletter which our colleagues have written.

Good luck on 8th December!

Best wishes,


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At 4:37 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

The third edition is now published at (or direct for download at: )


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