Friday, December 14, 2007

Report of the Week: Climate change--Impacts, vulnerability and adaptation in developing countries

Good judgement is something that we would all wish to have. However, the best decisions don't always come from your own judgement: in the case of climate change it is absurd for the global 'North' to presume to know how to help the south. As Almuth pointed out recently it is only by cooperation and working together with those effected by climate change that we can come to a reasonable idea of the challenges that they face. This week's report of the week comes via the UNFCCC so it is a top down look at issues. It does however give a better idea of what the least developed nations are worried about, and what there key climate agenda is.

The report was formulated as a result of UNFCCC negotiations which required a series of regional workshops to asses the nature and severity of regional climatic impacts and to proffer some solutions.

Climate change: Impacts, vulnerability and adaptation in developing countries.

The book draws heavily on information provided by Parties to the UNFCCC, particularly that provided at three regional workshops held in Africa, Asia and Latin America and one expert meeting held in small island developing States during 2006 – 20071, as mandated by the Buenos Aires programme of work on adaptation and response measures (decision 1/CP.10 of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC)2, as well as information in national communications3 and national adaptation programmes of action4 submitted to the UNFCCC, reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007)and other sources, as referenced.

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