Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Youth Coalition Calls For A Bali Breakthrough

Youth Coalition Calls For A Bali Breakthrough
"Our future is in your hands, show true leadership"

BALI, Indonesia - December 3 - Youth from around the world have set an example for their leaders at the Bali climate negotiations this week, reaching out and joining with hundreds of young people from across the globe at the 3rd International Conference of Youth. They were united in calling for real cooperation and strong climate leadership from their governments.

"We have met with young people from across the world," said 24-year-old Australian spokesperson Amanda McKenzie, "and we all agree – our leaders need to take much stronger action to protect our future."

"This weekend's youth conference has shown that the world's young people are willing and able to cooperate, and we urge our leaders to do the same." Youth leaders from North America, Australia, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific converged on Bali in an effort to get world leaders to cooperate in protecting their future.

In light of last month's IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, which presented a dire prediction of climate impacts, these young people – aged from 16 to 26 – have every reason to be concerned about their future.

"Young people have a critical, but underrepresented voice in building the future they must live in. World leaders should follow the lead of young people and act together to secure a livable future for their children." said Richard Graves, 25, a US youth representative.

Earlier this year, Catherine Gauthier, 18, said before the UN High level meeting on Climate Change in September, "Young people have no vested interests or historical baggage – we just want a safe future." Youth leaders hope that world leaders heed her call and work towards a mandate for a strong global climate agreement.

The 3rd International Conference of Youth was organised by the Australian Youth Climate Coalition, the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition, SustainUS, and Solar Generation.

For dispatches from the Youth Delegations, visit: www.ItsGettingHotinHere.org
For dispatches from the UN Climate Negotiations, visit Bali Buzz: www.unfcccbali.com
Check out dispatches from the youth climate movement: http://www.itsgettinghotinhere.org/
Please support the U.S. Youth Delegation to the international climate negotiations in Bali:

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