Saturday, March 29, 2008

Campaign against heathrow expansion continues; flash mob photos + next event.

I took part in a flash mob at Heathow's new terminal 5 on its oppening day. I`m short of a wire for my camera so the photos bellow are from Flickr with the relavent links.

This photo shows the scene at the international arrivals lounge shortly after 11'oclock. If the photo where taken a couple of minutes earlier it would have been similar but without the red. It was amazing to see that virtually everyone in the room was a protestor! (photo link)

Throughout the time we where there photo opportunities came and went spontaneously, from groups of local residents to young children, creatively designed signs and photogenic girls. (photo link)

A very happy baby who lived his 15 minutes of fame at an early age and seemed to love the cameras! (photo link)

Towards the end of the non-protest (protest is illegal in heathrow) a group decided to spell out their highly complex message about airport expansion. (photo link)

I saw people from Plane Stupid, Climate Camp, World Development Movement, Greenpeace, Stop Stansted Expansion (sic) and HACAN, along with local residents.

The next event that i know of to oppose the 3rd runway is on May 31st. Campaign against Climate Change, NOTRAG and Greenpeace are all involved.

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At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another Green World - Kevin Danaher

This episode explores the viability and necessity of a green economy
and methods to kick-start one through "green community-centers" in
every major city. Kevin Danaher is an anti-globalization activist,
and the co-founder of Global Exchange, and the executive producer of
Green Festivals. The Green Festivals are festivals that happen
annually in four cities to promote environmentally friendly ideas and

"The deed creates the doer"



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